
Issue 127, 2 May 2023

Sometimes we just need to keep trying and not be put off by failing. According to the Twitter thread below struggling with confidence is normal and should be embraced for the learning opportunities – just keep trying!


Podcast you will love 🎧

Worried you have MS? is an informative and patient friendly discussion of what to do if you are worried that you might have MS

Listening time: 49 minutes | Listen Now


Video you can learn from 📹

Foot mobility drills with ideas for intrinsic foot strengthening 👣

Watching time: 1 minute | Watch Now


Research tips you can use 🔎

How to read a paper outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers

Est. reading time: 8 minutes | Read Now


Recommended twitter thread 🧵

10 things I wish I knew as an entry level PT has tips that are relevant whatever career stage you are currently in

Est. reading time: 3 minutes | Read Now


Infographic you need ⭐️ 

How leaders light the way on how leaders can encourage change through their own everyday behaviours and practices

Est. reading time: 1 minute | View Now


The Latest from Physiopedia 🤩 

Est. reading time: 3 minutes | Read Now


Do you know anyone else who you think 
would enjoy Top Tips Tuesday?


What will you try again this week?

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