
Issue 146, 12 September 2023

There's always something new to learn – a message that has come through strongly in discussions on the free Physiopedia massive open online course this month. It covers rehabilitation basics, but we've been blown away by the range of experience of clinicians taking part and contributing, if you've not been involved then it isn't too late to join us. And of course we have some great nuggets from Top Tips Tuesday today, we hope you find something useful to learn from.

Podcast you will love 🎧

Why do we experience vertigo? discusses the condition and what can help, with leading experts on balance

Listening time: 34 minutes | Listen Now

Infographic you can learn from 🌠

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome with visual and short descriptive summary of the condition

Recommended video 📹

Joe's journey through CFT gives a chronic back pain patient's insight on their pain and what helped them

Watching time: 15 minutes | Watch Now

Social post to give you insight 🤓

Three reasons why assistive technology (AT) matters in humanitarian contexts from the perspective of Mohammad, whose life was transformed with AT

Est. reading time: 2 minutes | Learn Now

In the news, tips you can use 🗞️

Joint venture: how an NHS physio waiting list was shrunk in just two days is worth a read for a different perspective on patient care

Est. reading time: 7 minutes | Read Now

The Latest from Physiopedia 🤩 

The global impact of physiotherapy | Celebrating #WorldPTDay2023! We love any chance to promote the work of Physiotherapists – read all about it here!

Est. reading time: 2 minutes | Read Now

Do you know anyone else who you think 
would enjoy Top Tips Tuesday?


Stay curious

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