Top Tips Tuesday - Issue 43, 21 Sep 2021

This quote struck a chord "...the ability to infuse each moment with meaning..." when in the day-to-day it is so easy to forget that. It also ties in beautifully with our recommended video this week, all about making rehabiliation meaningful for our patients. We hope you find some meaningful nuggets in this week's newsletter.



Research to make you think πŸ§ 

What Does ‘Return to Sport’ Really Mean After Injury? Find out with this quick summary of a recent systematic review. Reading time: 5 minutes


Resources you can use πŸ‘

Post-COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) Tons of useful resources and evidence from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists


Infographic you will love πŸ˜

Interesting facts about the intervertebral discs (IVD) of the lower back! Keep reading down the twitter feed for references


Twitter feed you can learn from πŸ€“

Nutrition tips and healthy eating Dietitian advice on fuelling for activity - you will learn from this! Est. reading time: 1 minute


Recommended video πŸ‘ 
We need to make it meaningful - a great demonstration of functional exercise prescription you can use with your patients. Watching time: 25 seconds



Not forgetting the most-read article from last week - Growth mindset self-talk
What will you learn today?
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